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Servo Motor Parts Machining Factory

The Servo Motor Parts Machining Factory is where shafts, flanges and other components of various motors that FANUC manufactures are machined. Many machining cells with machine tools, such as lathes and cylindrical grinding machines, which collaborate with FANUC ROBOTs are connected to an automatic warehouse. The entire process from the supply of materials, machining, cleaning, inspection to shipping is automated.

Until the first half of 2024, machining was performed in two factories. In June, 2024, all facilities were concentrated into one new factory resulting in smoother production. Also, through efforts such as updating old equipment, installing a cell for machining large parts with FANUC’s large size robot with a payload of 2.0 tons, and introducing a machining line with many ROBODRILLs aligned, has improved production capacity. Furthermore, set up work, including the exchange of lathe chuck jaws and supply of cutting fluids, has been automated. All equipment is connected to FIELD system Basic Package to visualize their operating state. Besides being able to understand the status, analysis can be conducted to improve the operating rate.

An approach to make the new factory conscious of workers and the environment was taken. The environments of the former machining factories were harsh, with cutting fluid mist being widely emitted. In the new factory, equipment which generates mist was placed below the exhaust system to prevent mist dispersion, and ventilation was improved to make the factory environment safe for humans and facilities at the same level as ordinary assembly factories. In addition, used cutting fluids are not simply disposed. There is a liquid waste processing system with which approximately 80% of liquid waste is reused as fuel oil or recycled water, making the factory environmentally friendly.

Machining cells connected to an automatic warehouse
Machining cells connected to an automatic warehouse

Cell for machining large parts using a large size robot
Cell for machining large parts using a large size robot

Machining line utilizing ROBODRILLs
Machining line utilizing ROBODRILLs

Visualization with FIELD system Basic Package (Factory Visualizer)
Visualization with FIELD system Basic Package
(Factory Visualizer)