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Health and Productivity Management

FANUC’s Health and Productivity Management Statement

Creating an Environment in which Employees Work Enthusiastically with a Sense of Fulfillment

FANUC considers the health and happiness of its employees and their families as being the foundation that sustains its business activities. Based on this belief, focus has been placed on “Health and Productivity Management” since fiscal year 2022, in order to realize this vision.
For this end, the company is creating an environment in which employees are motivated to work enthusiastically as well as feeling gratified, being sound in both body and mind, leading to happy and fulfilling lives.


FANUC’s Health and Productivity Management Statement

Recognition as a Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization

FANUC has been recognized as a “Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization” since 2025 under the large enterprise category of the “Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program,” of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI).

The “Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program” honors large enterprises as well as small and medium enterprises for their outstanding implementation of health and productivity management to overcome health-related challenges, through practical actions focusing on the community and workplace, as well as approaches encouraged by the Nippon Kenko Kaigi (organizer of the recognition program). 

In April, 2022, FANUC declared its Health & Productivity Management Statement: “GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING – Health and happiness for all employees and their families!” Since then, the company has continuously engaged in the promotion of the objectives of this program.

FANUC’s Health and Productivity Management Statement

Promotion Organization

FANUC has appointed the Representative Director, President and CEO as head of the Health and Productivity Management Promotion Project. The Human Resources Division is responsible for health promotion and the Welfare Department serves as the administrative office. Six task force teams have been established under the Health Promotion Committee to actively incorporate the opinions of related divisions and work together to promote the program.

Promotion Organization

PDF fileFANUC’s Health & Productivity Management Strategy Map (PDF file)

Activity Policy

1) “Health promotion," which further strengthens the foundations of the company’s health, will become a new engine that will drive and boost FANUC’s corporate value.

2) By being recognized as a “Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization,” FANUC will endeavor to raise the level of recognition by progressing mid-to-long term actions.


1) Encourage “education” and “communication” to nurture a corporate culture which enables employees to work actively with a feeling of satisfaction.

2) Synergize the effects of each health promotion project.
Operate a PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle in line with the annual business cycle. This will contribute to the acquisition of “health literacy” with which individuals can obtain and manage their knowledge on health matters.
※Annual business cycle = FANUC Wellness Cycle (below)

3) Everyone participates. Everyone makes efforts to progress. Health and productivity management is for everyone.



Measures to Maintain Employee Health

Analyzing and visualizing the results of employee’s regular medical checkups helps maintain the health of employees such as prevention of severe diseases. We use the participation rate in such regular medical checkups as an indicator for measuring the effects of efforts to promote health and productivity management.

In FY2023, we achieved our goal of 100.0% participation rate.

・Participation Rate in Regular Medical Checkup
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
100.0% 99.9% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
*FANUC Headquarters’ area

Since FY2022 we began offering employees aged 32 and over medical checkups of their brains, with such checkups to be offered every four years.

Mental Health Support

the monthly e-mail newsletter concerning matters of mental health

In addition to providing internal and external points of contact for employees to speak to somebody about their mental health, we also conduct annual stress checks on all employees and contract employees. We follow up with those employees who display signs of high stress levels, while we also analyze each of our organizations for health risks and the ratio of employees displaying high stress levels to identify the organizations facing issues and improve their working environments.

We also provide mental health training (self-care) via e-Learning tools through which we offer employees knowledge concerning issues of mental health and stress and an opportunity for them to think about how they can control their own stress levels.

In addition, the Health Promotion Committee has twice issued dedicated articles in the monthly e-mail newsletter concerning matters of mental health.

・Participation Rate in Stress Check Examination
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
96.3% 96.9% 96.7% 97.3% 100.0%
*FANUC Headquarters’ area

Introduction of Employee Group Insurance (Group Term Life Insurance and Group Long Term Disability Schemes)

The Group has introduced Group Term Life Insurance and Group Long Term Disability schemes through which the Company will pay a portion of the insurance premiums for those officers and regular employees wishing to avail of the schemes. By providing systems that offer guarantees in the event of death or severe disability and support in the event of reduced income as a result of long-term disability as a result of injury, we have built a working environment that enables our employees to work with peace of mind.

Thorough Efforts to Raise Awareness of FANUC’s Health Hotline

FANUC’s Health Hotline

FANUC’s health hotline is a consultation service run by an external specialist institution that can be used by FANUC officers, employees, contractors employees, and their family members. The hotline offers services free of cost relating to health concerns and consultations, mental health, and the offering of second opinions.

Introduction of Health and Productivity Management Promotion Infrastructure (KENPOS)

Health and Productivity Management Promotion Infrastructure

We have introduced KENPOS, for use online or with a smartphone, to encourage employees to make lifestyle improvements through exercise and dietary management.

Raising Awareness of Female-Specific Health Issues

Raising Awareness of Female-Specific Health Issues

We ran an e-Learning course entitled “Female-specific health issues” targeting managers as part of efforts to improve their health literacy. A video of this training session was posted on the Company’s internal portal site so that it could be viewed by all employees.

In fiscal 2023, we also plan training sessions for all our employees, including contract workers.

Health Care Support and SDGs Awareness Promotion at Company Cafeteria

In cooperation with a cafeteria operator, our company cafeteria provides meals to many employees. It supports employee health by offering nutritionally balanced breakfast, lunch, and dinner menus prepared by a full-time nutritionist while taking into consideration the needs of our employees.
In addition, the cafeteria is working to “reduce food and resource losses” based on analysis of meal count trends. Furthermore, in our commitment to “responsible food procurement” and “production”, we upcycle waste oil, develop alternative protein-based menus, and offer sustainable seafood*. Through these efforts, we aim to raise sustainability awareness by exposing our employees to social issues related to the SDGs in our everyday lives.

Note: Sustainable seafood is caught in well-managed fisheries that consider marine resources and the environment or farmed with minimal environmental and societal impact, ensuring a future where we can continue to enjoy fish.

Use of Electric Height-Adjustable Desks

By using electric height-adjustable desks, employees can easily choose to sit or stand when working, by adjusting the desk height to a comfortable level according to the employee’s posture and height.
We strive to create a workplace with focus on the benefits of ergonomics, employees’ health, and performance.